Department of Forest Resource Conservation and Ecotourism

Department of Forest Resource Conservation and Ecotourims (DKSHE) was initially named as Department of Forest Resource Conservation (DKSHE) which constituted the first department or study program in Indonesia in the field of forest resource conservation, which was officially founded on the basis of decree of IPB rector, number: 103 year 1982, dated 14 November 1982. 

Vision of DKSHE is “becoming the development center for science, technology, art, and human resources in the field of conservation of tropical biodiversity and environment”.

Scientific mandate being given to DKSHE is development of science, technology, and art in the field of forest resource conservation which comprise protection of life supporting system, preservation and utilization of wildlife and its ecosystem, and ecotourism and environmental services.

DKSHE consists of Division of Ecology and Management of Wildlife, Division of Flora/ Plant Diversity Conservation, Division of Conservation Area Management, Division of Nature Recreation and Ecotourism, and Division of Urban Forest and Environmental Services.  Competence and scientific mandate for Division of Ecology and Management of Wildlife comprise  conservation of wildlife (wild animal) in-situ and ex-situ.  Division of Conservation of Flora/Plant Diversity possesses scientific mandate for developing science, technology and empowerment of traditional wisdom in conservation of plant diversity which comprises protection, preservation and utilization in sustainable manner. Division of Conservation Area Management possesses mandate for development of policy and management of conservation area in terrestrial/land area (primary subject) and waters/aquatic area (supporting subject).

Division of Nature Recreation and Ecotourism possess mandate for development of  planning and management of ecotourism and conservation education. Division of Urban Forest and Environmental Services possesses scientific mandate which is related with development of science, technology, and management of urban forest and environmental services which comprise objects of water, air, and climate for supporting the quality of life supporting system.