Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan

0251- 8621677


Jalan Ulin, Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor Jawa Barat 16680
23 Aug 2021

Studi Banding BEM Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan IPB dengan Forest and Environment Student Association (FORENSA)UPM Malaysia

Studi banding merupakan salah satu program kerja dari Biro Internal dan Relasi Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan IPB yang bertujuan untuk menambah relasi serta pengalaman terkait pengembangan softskill dan hardskill mahasiswa terkhusus dalam hal organisasi. Tahun ini kegiatan studi banding dilaksanakan bersama Forest and Environment Student Association (FORENSA) Univirsiti Putra Malaysia, dikearenakan kondisi yang masih belum memungkinkan kita untuk bertemu langsung untuk itu kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara daring melalui Zoom Meeting. Dalam kegiatan studi banding kami membawa empat konsep utama yakni:

Penjelasan organisasi secara umum oleh masing-masing perwakilan

Kegiatan ini menjelaskan struktur secara umum dari BEM Fahutan IPB dan juga dari FORENSA UPM

  • Focus Group Discusion  (FGD)

Kegiatan ini merupakan bentuk diskusi yang mempertemukan dua departemen/biro/executive dari BEM Fahutan dan FORENSA UPM. Disana mereka akan menjelaskan secara rinci terkait dengan struktur organisasi di departemen/biro/executive, program kerja serta dokumentasi kegiatan

  • Penandatangan MoU

Kegiatan ini merupakan penandatanganan kerjasama antara BEM Fahutan IPB dengan FORENSA UPM dalam bermedia partner serta bekerja sama dalam beberapa bidang yang terkait dengan departemen

  • Penampilan budaya

Kegiatan ini bertujuan sebagai hiburan dalam kegiatan berlangsung, selain itu kegiatan ini bertujuan sebagai media promosi budaya,pariwisata dll antara kedua belah pihak yakni BEM Fahutan IPB menampilkan kebudayaan Indonesia serta FORENSA UPM menampilkan kebudayaan Malaysia

23 Aug 2021

Annoucement Of Selected Participants Summer Course

Announcement Of Selected Participants Batch 2

Dear All Selected Participants,

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to announce that based on our review, you are selected to participate in The 2nd International Summer Course on Forestry and Environment: Tropical Forest Ecosystem Management and Innovations (ForSC2021) on August 21 – 29, 2021. This event is integrated with The 3rd International Conference on Tropical Silviculture (ICTS2021) and The Youth Initiative Contest.

Please kindly see attached the list of selected participants batch-2. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We are very much looking ahead to your attendance virtually in this summer course.


Dr. Adisti P. P Hartoyo
Chairperson ForSC2021

20 Aug 2021


Membentuk Wirausaha & Melestarikan Lingkungan

Jumlah sampah di Indonesia setiap tahunnya semakin meningkat. Berdasarkan data Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Sampah Nasional (SIPSN) Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, pada tahun 2020, jumlah timbunan sampah di Indonesia mencapai kurang lebih 36 juta ton/tahun. Komposisi sampah tersebut didominasi sampah organik berupa sampah sisa makanan dengan persentase sebesar 30,8 persen. Sebagian besar sampah organik seperti sisa sayuran maupun buah-buahan berasal dari aktivitas rumah tangga. Sampah-sampah tersebut belum diolah dengan baik sehingga menyebabkan penumpukan di tempat-tempat pembuangan akhir. Saat ini, masyarakat lebih berfokus pada pengolahan sampah anorganik seperti plastik dibandingkan sampah organik. Padahal, dampak yang diakibatkan sampah organik juga berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan.

05 Aug 2021

Annoucement Of Selected Participants Summer Course

Dear All Selected Participants,

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to announce that based on our review, you are selected to participate in The 2nd International Summer Course on Forestry and Environment: Tropical Forest Ecosystem Management and Innovations (ForSC2021) on August 21 – 29, 2021. This event is integrated with The 3rd International Conference on Tropical Silviculture (ICTS2021) and The Youth Initiative Contest.

Please kindly see attached the list of selected participants batch-1. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We are very much looking ahead to your attendance virtually in this summer course.


Dr. Adisti P. P Hartoyo
Chairperson ForSC2021

05 Aug 2021



Dear colleagues,

Faculty of Forestry and Environment IPB University will hold The 2nd International Summer Course on Forestry and Environment: Tropical Forest Ecosystem Management and Innovations (ForSC2021) virtually on August 21 – 29, 2021. The summer course is started off with a series of presentations by resource persons from various countries. This event is integrated with The 3rd International Conference on Tropical Silviculture (ICTS2021) and The Youth Initiative Contest.

On behalf of the organizing committee of the virtual summer course, we are pleased to invite you to participate the event for free through scholarship applicants scheme. The committee will select the scholarship applicants based on their motivation letter. It is also great pleasure if you can invite your colleagues to attend this event.

The event registration extended to August 16, 2021. You can fill the ForSC2021 Registration Form through link: ipb.link/forsc2021

Thank you very much for your collaboration. We look forward for your presence on this event.

Dear colleagues,

Faculty of Forestry and Environment IPB University will hold The 2nd International Summer Course on Forestry and Environment: Tropical Forest Ecosystem Management and Innovations (ForSC2021) virtually on August 21 – 29, 2021. The summer course is started off with a series of presentations by resource persons from various countries. This event is integrated with The 3rd International Conference on Tropical Silviculture (ICTS2021) and The Youth Initiative Contest.

On behalf of the organizing committee of the virtual summer course, we are pleased to invite you to participate the event for free through scholarship applicants scheme. The committee will select the scholarship applicants based on their motivation letter. It is also great pleasure if you can invite your colleagues to attend this event.

The event registration extended to August 16, 2021. You can fill the ForSC2021 Registration Form through link: ipb.link/forsc2021

Thank you very much for your collaboration. We look forward for your presence on this event.

Best regards,
Dr. Adisti P. P Hartoyo,
Chairperson ForSC2021