Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan

0251- 8621677


Jalan Ulin, Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor Jawa Barat 16680
11 Mar 2013

IPB Siapkan Pusat Ekosisten Hutan Rawa Gambut

Wakil Rektor Bidang Riset dan Kerja Sama IPB Prof Anas Miftah Fauzi mengemukakan bahwa perguruan tinggi itu pada 2013 menyiapkan ruangan secara khusus untuk pusat kajian penelitian ekosistem hutan rawa gambut.

“Sehingga peneliti dari seluruh Indonesia dapat mempergunakan sebaik-baiknya demi pelestarian kehutanan di Indonesia,” katanya di Bogor, Jawa Barat, Kamis.

Didampingi Dekan Fakultas Kehutanan IPB Prof Bambang Hero Saharjo, ia menjelaskan, kajian ekosistem hutan rawa gambut itu adalah bagian dari Pusat Informasi Kehutanan, yang dibangun atas kerja sama dengan sebuah yayasan milik perusahaan swasta.

Melalui Fakultas Kehutanan, IPB mendapatkan dana hibah senilai Rp8,36 miliar untuk mewujudkan Pusat Informasi Kehutanan, di mana penandatanganan Surat Perjanjian Kerja Sama (SPK) dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu (28/11) di Auditorium Silva Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor, yang dilanjutkan dengan peletakan batu pertama pembangunan.

Anas Miftah Fauzi menambahkan, kerja sama pembangunan Pusat Informasi Kehutanan itu akan mendalami penelitian mengenai pengelolaan hutan di Indonesia maupun di negara-negara lain.

“Kami percaya kekayaan hutan di Indonesia dapat terus dimanfaatkan dengan baik tanpa merusak ekosistem apabila sesuai dengan kaidahnya,” katanya.

Pusat Informasi Kehutanan di IPB yang dibangun pada lokasi yang strategis berdekatan dengan “Common Class Room” dan Asrama Mahasiswa IPB dan berkonsep “eco-building” ini diharapkan dapat beroperasi pada akhir tahun 2013.

Gedung berlantai tiga dengan luas sekitar 1.500 meter persegi ini dilengkapi dengan perpustakaan yang diintegrasikan dengan perpustakaan pusat IPB serta sumber informasi lainnya di luar IPB melalui teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (ICT), serta pusat-pusat kegiatan kemahasiswaan dan kealumnian.

Jumlah peneliti kehutanan Indonesia saat ini sebanyak 401 orang, namun jumlah itu berbanding terbalik dengan luas hutan Indonesia yang mencapai jutaan hektare. (ant/as)

11 Mar 2013

Daftar 74 titik promosi IPB di tahun 2012

61. SMAN 1 Sukabumi, Jawa Barat

Sebanyak 239 siswa hadiri IPB Goes to School di Sukabumi. Acara digelar di GOR SMAN 1 Kota Sukabumi.  Dalam kegiatan ini, Dr. Arif Satria, narasumber IPB yang juga Dekan Fakultas Ekologi Manusia (Fema) memaparkan tentang gambaran fakultas-fakulltas di IPB. Ditegaskannya, ilmu pertanian sampai kapanpun akan diperlukan. “Jadi jangan khawatir lulusan IPB tidak mendapatkan pekerjaan. Lebih dari itu, lulusan IPB malah dapat menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan dengan berwirausaha di dunia pertanian yang sangat luas. (dh)

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10 Mar 2013


Faculty of Foretry (IPB) possesses area of ± 75 ha in IPB campus of Darmaga (including arboretum and field practice area of Cikabayan plantation forest).Buildings which are used for organizingand conducting higher education in Faculty of Forestry (IPB) consist of the followings:main building and silviculture – forest products building which have 3 and 2 floors respectively (± 5000 m2), which were built in the year 1968; Geodesy building (2 floors ± 1000 m2, 1980); Forestry Biology building (3 floors,± 1500 m2, 1982); building of Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism,and Forestry Faculty Library (2 buildings, each of them has 2 floors, ± 2215 m2, 1993); building of Forest Resources Utilization (2 floors, ± 950 m2, 1998); building of forestry socio-economics and politics (2 building, 2 floors); building of Aerial Photography (ATA, 1983); Auditorium of Silva-Pertamina (± 289m2, 2009); Wing U (2 floors, ± 1000 m2, 2009), and wing of Dekanat of Forestry Faculty (± 1500 m2, 2010).In the year 2011 Faculty of Forestry obtained new building as many as 2 wings and 1 node, comprising 3 floors with total area of 3200 m2.There is also land as large as 359 ha which is located in Sukabumi district (West Java), being used as education and training forest, with the name Gunung Walat Educational Forest (GWEF).

Various laboratories in Faculty of Forestry are equipped with appropriate equipments for supporting education and training program. Equipments owned by Faculty of Forestry are among other things specific equipments which are needed for education, training and public services, such as minor relasco EDM, genetic marker, electrophoresis unit, universal testing machine, wood machining equipment, bomb calory meter, hot and cold pressing machine ofindustrial size, and wood drying unit (dry kiln).

Faculty of Forestry has been equipped with facilities of intra and internet for communication and dissemination of information. Server of Forestry Faculty is connected with central IPBnet which is located in rectorate building by using optic fibres.At present, speed of IPBnet has reached bandwidth of 150 MB/second by using Astinet Dedicated and PT. Indosat with fiber optic as the main component.

The need of students for information access through network of IPBnet could be fulfilled properly through student Cyber facility in various locations inside the campus with support of around 350 PC, all of which could conduct intranet and internet connection. Every student could use such facility through user access.

Students of Forestry Faculty could utilize internet facilities which are provided by all Departments within Forestry Faculty (IPB).Students could also use the available hotspot facilities. Within Forestry Faculty, there are 20 hotspots.

Dissemination of information is conducted through mailing list of Faculty of Forestry (IPB), and websites of IPB, Faculty, and Departments, namely:


IPB (Bogor Agricultural University): http://www.ipb.ac.id


Fahutan (Faculty of Forestry): http://www.fahutan.ipb.ac.id


HPGW (Gunung Walat Educational Forest): http://www.gunungwalat.net


DMNH (Department of Forest Management): http://manhut.fahutan.ipb.ac.id


DHHT (Department of Forest Products): http://dthh.fahutan.ipb.ac.id/


DKSHE(Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism): http://kshe.fahutan.ipb.ac.id/


DSVK(Department of Silviculture): http://silvikultur.fahutan.ipb.ac.id

10 Mar 2013

Strategic Program

Strategic program in the field of education

  1. Implementation of education program (EP) with intact shapes of higher education which comprise vocational EP, academic EP, and professional EPthrough attern and manner of integrated implementation.
  2. Conducting research for improving the quality of teaching materials and forestry development which is integrated with program of acceleration of university teaching staff’s career on quality basis.
  3. Strengthening the network of research cooperation (collaborative research) at national, regional, and global level, with prominent universities or research institutions, for the sake of scientific, knowledge, and technological development inthe field of forestry and environment.

Strategic program in the field of research

  1. Conducting mapping of research demand and determining the appropriate and best topic of research in conformity with demand from development of forestry and environment.
  2. Conducting research for improving the quality of research materials and forestry development which is integrated with teaching staff’s career acceleration program on quality basis.
  3. Strengthening research cooperation network (collaborative research), at national, regional, and global level, with some prominent universities or research institutions for the sake of development of science, knowledge and technology in the field of forestry and environment.

Strategic program in the field of public service

  1. Conducting public service with clear segmentation of target groups (forest farmers, businessmen, profession organization, government, and international community) on the basis of research results in conformity with the scientific fields which become the assignment area for teaching staff’s academic position, either individually, or in groups;
  2. Conducting socialization, dissemination and creating feedbacks of research results and implementation of other programs of higher education for improvement of education quality and resolution of development problems;
  3. Strengthening cooperation network with stakeholders, as medium for contributing research results and responding toward forestry problems;
  4. Developing centers of information and integrated service of tropical forestry science and knowledge.

Strategic program for enhancement of management system of Forestry Faculty

  1. Preparing the formation of trust fund for Faculty of Forestry (IPB)
  2. Developing capacity of human resources, organization, regulation and working mechanism;
  3. Developing cooperation network (cross cutting) with other forestry faculties or universities at national, regional, or global level.

Strategic program in the field of education is aimed at improving the understanding, attitude, knowledge and skill of human resources by developing science and technology for management of Indonesian tropical forest.

Strategic program in the field of research is aimed at developing innovation of forestry science and knowledge for supporting education and public services. The research fields comprise the whole sciences of forestry and environment, which comprise among other thingsthe subjects of forest management, utilization and processing of forest products, silviculture, and conservation of forest resources and ecotourism.

10 Mar 2013

Vision, Mission, Objectives and Strategy

Vision of year 2011–2030

Becoming a prominent center for higher education for tropical forestry in Asia, on the basis of research, entrepreneurship character, and principles of sustainable management, to ensure the implementation of integrated sustainability ofappropriate human life quality from generation to generation.


  • Carrying out integrated higher education which comprises forestry and environmental sciences, and developing comprehensive student development to improve the country’s competitiveness in the field of forestry  and environment.
  • Developing innovation of science and technology for supporting the sustainability of appropriate human life quality for present and future generations and for natural ecological balance.



Improving the capacity of management of University Three Services which comprise activities of education, research, and public service in the field of science, knowledge, and technology of tropical forest ecosystem; and attracting increased support from the general public, either locally, nationally, regionally, or globally for sustainability of tropical forest, and for sustainability of appropriate human life quality.




  • Increasing the capacity building of Faculty of Forestry (IPB) by improving value system, education system, research, and public service.
  • Developing department on the basis of research and developing entrepreneurship pattern.
  • Developing trust fund of Faculty of Forestry (IPB).
  • Improving the role of and support from civitas academica (university teaching staffs, supporting staffs, and students).
  • Encouraging the policy of government, either nationally, provincially, or at district/municipal level for establishment of appropriate spatial arrangement on the basis of ecosystem and bioregion.
10 Mar 2013


Pendidikan tinggi kehutanan di lndonesia dimulai dengan pembentukan Sekolah Tinggi Pertanian di Bogor (Landbouw Hogeschool) yang kemudian diubah menjadi fakultas pada tahun 1940 dengan nama Faculteit voor Landbouw-wetenschappen  yang sebelumnya berstatus sebagai  Jurusan Pertanian dan Jurusan Kehutanan yang bernaung di bawah Universiteit van Indonesie (Universitas Indonesia).Fakultas Pertanian Universitas lndonesia memisahkan diri menjadi Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) pada tahun 1963 dan berlokasi di Kampus Baranangsiang Bogor. Pemisahan ini diikuti oleh perubahan status dari Jurusan Kehutanan menjadi Fakultas Kehutanan (SK Pendirian No. 279 Tahun 1965 yang dikeluarkan Presiden RI Ir. Soekarno). Pada tahun 1968, Fakultas Kehutanan pindah ke gedung baru di Kampus Dramaga. Pada 1969, Fakultas Kehutanan dibagi menjadi Jurusan Manajemen Hutan dan Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Hutan dan sejalan dengan program kurikulum IPB, masa studi tingkat S1 berubah dari 6 tahun menjadi 4 tahun. Dengan diterapkannya program mayor-minor di IPB, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan berubah menjadi Departemen  Manajemen Hutan (DMNH) dan Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Hutan menjadi Departemen Hasil Hutan (DHH). Departemen lain yang terdapat di Fakultas Kehutanan adalah Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata (DKSHE) yang berdiri pada tahun 1982 dan Departemen Silvikultur (DSVK) yang berdiri pada tahun 2005.Program pascasarjana di bidang Ilmu Kayu dan Pengelolaan Hutan mulai dikembangkan sejak tahun 1978. Pada tahun 1990, program studi ini berubah menjadi program studi Ilmu Pengetahuan Kehutanan. Dengan diterapkannya program mayor-minor di IPB, sejak tahun 2005 Fakultas Kehutanan memiliki 4 mayor program sarjana (S1), 5 mayor program master (S2), dan 6 mayor program doktor (S3). Sejak tahun 2011 DHH yang semula menawarkan 2 mayor program S3 saat ini hanya mengampu program Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Hutan.

Mayor Program Sarjana: 
•    Manajemen Hutan (MNH)
•    Hasil Hutan (HH)
•    Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata (KSHE)
•    Silvikultur (SVK) Mayor

Program Magister:

•    Ilmu Pengelolaan Hutan (IPH)
•    Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Hutan (THH)
•    Konservasi Biodiversitas Tropika (KVT)
•    Manajemen Ekowisata dan Jasa Lingkungan (MEJ)
•    Silvikultur Tropika (SVK)
•    Profesi Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati (KKH)

Mayor Program Doktor:
•    Ilmu Pengelolaan Hutan (IPH)
•    Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Hutan (THH)
•    Konservasi Biodiversitas Tropika (KVT)
•    Manajemen Ekowisata dan Jasa Lingkungan (MEJ)
•    Silvikultur Tropika (SVK)

10 Mar 2013


Forestry higher education in Indonesia started with the establishment of Sekolah Tinggi Pertanian (Agricultural College) in Bogor(with Dutch name: Landbouw Hogeschool) which afterwards changed to faculty in the year 1940 with the name Faculteit voor Landbouw-wetensschappen which previously hasthe status of Department of Agriculture and Department of Forestry under the Universiteit van Indonesie (University of Indonesia).

Faculty of Agriculture (University of Indonesia) separated itself and became Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in the year 1963 and was located in Baranangsiang campus of Bogor. This separation wasfollowed by a status change from Department of Forestry to Faculty of Forestry (Decree of Establishment No. 279, year 1965, which was issued by Indonesian president, Ir Soekarno). In the year 1968, Faculty of Forestry moved to a new building in Darmaga campus.

In the year 1969, Faculty of Forestry was divided into two departments, namely Department of Forest Management, and Department of Forest Product Technology, and in conformity with IPB curriculum program, the study period for undergraduate program changed from 6 years to 4 years.With the adoption of major–minor program in IPB, Department of Forest Product Technology changed to Department of Forest Products, whereas Department of Forest Management remained to have the same name.In the year 1982, a new department emerged within the Faculty of Forestry, namely Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism (DKSHE), whereas in the year 2005 a new other Department emerged, namely Department of Silviculture (DSVK).

Graduate program in the field of Forest Management and Wood Sciences started to be developed since the year 1978. In the year 1990, this study program changed to study program of Forestry Sciences.With the adoption of major-minor program in IPB, since the year 2005,Faculty of Forestry possessed 4 majors for undergraduate program, 5 majors for Master of Science program, and 6 majors for Doctorate program.Since the year 2011, DHH (Department of Forest Products) which initially offered 2 majors of Doctorate program, is at present only supports the program of Forest Product Technology and Sciences.

Majors of Undergraduate Program:

• Forest Management (MNH)

• Forest Products (HH)

• Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism (KSHE)

• Silviculture (SVK)

Majors of Master of Science Program:

• Forest Management Sciences (IPH)

• Forest Product Sciences and Technology (THH)

• Conservation of Tropical Biodiversity (KVT)

• Management of Ecotourism and Environmental Services (MEJ)

• Tropical Silviculture (SVK)

• Profession of Biodiversity Conservation (KKH)

Majors of Doctorate Program:

• Forest Management Sciences (IPH)

• Forest Product Sciences and Technology (THH)

• Conservation of Tropical Biodiversity (KVT)

• Management of Ecotourism and Environmental Services (MEJ)

• Tropical Silviculture (SVK)